The Ashman TT/22.4m Course

The Ashman is an annual TT race that dates back to 1938 and is now awarded to the rider/s with

     - The "Best Handicap Time" following two laps of the Abbotsley TT course, introduced in 1938. The handicap time is twice your handicap time from the Thursday evening TTs.

     - The Fastest Time over two laps of the Abbotsley TT course, introduced 2014/Men and 2022/Ladies.

     - You must have posted at least two times in this season to enter and your handicap time will apply on the day.


2024 maybe the last time this TT course will be available, due to planned road changes.


The Ashman TT "H/C Trophy" - Roll of Honour from 1938





The Ashman TT "Fastest Time Trophy Men" - Roll of Honour from 2014





The Ashman TT "Fastest Time Trophy Ladies" - Roll of Honour from 2022