Next Club Ride is on Sunday 28 July 2024 0900 sharp, at St. Neots market square…


Reversed Route / Long Group – L4-R 61m

Reversed Route / Medium Group – M3-R 45m

Reversed Route / Short Group – S4-R 33m



   - Routes will be updated by Friday latest.

   - Winter Riding... If there's a risk of ice on Sunday, start time delays and Icy Road Route options below will be shown here, they exclusively ride on council gritted routes.

   - The Club will from time-to-time use reversed routes, these will be published as Reversed, beware these are untested on the road (Riders at Front!).


Quick links from here...

Standard Garmin Routes

Standard RWGPS Routes

Reversed Garmin Routes

Reversed RWGPS Routes

Coffee Stop Routes / Cafe Information 

Event Routes

Icy Road Routes

Member Rides Invitation/Booking - Come ride with me!

Weather Forecast

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