January 2023 / Survey Poll 3

The club ran 3 surveys as a result of views expressed at the last AGM, the proposed next steps are below...

The survey results can be downloaded from here.  


  1. Winter Club Run Start Time

As a result of the survey, the start time of the Sunday Club Runs has been moved to 09:30, effective until the clocks change on 26 March (which is coincidentally the date of the Cycle for Ukraine event), after which time the start time will revert to 08:30.  Initial indications are that the new start time has been well received, with higher than average attendance for this time of year, but the club would be interested to hear any individual comments.

  1. GoRide

The survey shows that there is general support for a GoRide section.  As discussed at the AGM, the current committee already has its hands full and so additional volunteers would be needed to make this happen.  Although a number of members indicated that they were prepared to help run a GoRide section and/or to undertake formal training, paid for by the club, associated with coaching youngsters, the survey was anonymous and so we need those who expressed an interest to confirm their intent. 

  • If you are willing to help run a GoRide section and/or to undertake formal training, please contact the club.
  1. CX Training

The survey shows that there is general support for a regular CX event to improve off-road riding skills.  Again, additional volunteers would be needed to make this happen and we need those who expressed an interest to confirm their intent.

  • If you are willing to help run a regular CX event to improve off-road riding skills, please contact the club.



September 2021 / Survey Poll 2

Winter Sunday Club Ride Time?

As the voting was very close there is insufficient justification to change the start time and so we plan to stick with an 08:30 start time.  However, the committee reserves the right to delay specific club runs, or cancel them altogether, if the conditions are deemed to be unsafe.

Club Committee



January 2020 / Survey Poll 1

Winter Sunday Club Ride Time?



No action taken due to low percentage feedback of total club members and Covid restrictions affecting actual club rides allowed during Winter 2020/21.

Club Committee