So this week we had 2 members on Sat in the ECCA 50 mile championship and Pat back at the MK Bowl on Tues evening. Don't forget it's the NDCA SNCC 25 that we're hosting at Guilden Morden on Saturday organised by Nc starting at 1400.
Sat May 18th ECCA 50 mile championships on F2/50 Nic Pillinger 10th 1.47.36 Paul Williamson 26th= 1.57.26 (PB by over 2 mins)
Tues May 21st BM Crit at MK Bowl Pat Ellerbeck 2nd 18 miles (only 8 secs behind event winner).
Pat's Report - Not too bad, enjoyed the ride, only light rain, even managed a couple of PB's, we don't often ride clockwise.