TT#1 Race Results …  

So another year another Abbo. We had 8 riders out on a cold, windy (and according to Nic not great air pressure). Great to see Hayley Simmonds back on the course as a guest as well as Simon Murphy after his injury and also great to see George swinging his leg over the saddle.

All the other 5 were returning members. So if you fancy trying to push yourselves Abbo is ideal, we even think it will get warmer. Hayley Simmonds was fastest rider on the night and SImon Murphy turned in a great time as did Pat. The rest were spaced out but interesting to see 3 of the guys within 8 secs of each other. It will be interesting to see how the new handicap system works based on riders' last three seasons as well. Thanks to Flo and Nic (and signs) for timekeeping and to Norman for pushing off."


TT#1 Race Results … 

    Race LT  
# Rider Time  PB Note
1 Hayley Simmonds 25:55 25:21 Guest
2 Simon Murphy 26:05 25:12  
3 Pat Ellerbeck 28:43 26:26  
4 Simon Winter 32:13 30:24  
5 George Lendrum 32:16 29:35  
6 Nick Green 32:21 30:06  
7 Geoff Smith 34:49 27:37  
8 Chris Dennis 38:03 33:17  




TT#1 Handicap Points

The Handicap Trophy points are awarded for the number of riders on the night less Guests and First Time Members. So tonight 8 riders and 7 points on offer. A Handicap Time of 25 minutes or less means that you have either matched your PB or improved on it. A Handicap Time greater than 25 minutes shows how much you are off your PB. This year the handicap PB is based on the best time in the last three seasons (LTS - 2021-2023) and not a riders life time best as in previous years.

Congratulations to Simon Murphy for taking the maximum points on offer tonight.



      LifeTime 3Yr Actual  25:00 H/Cap H/Cap
# <25 Rider PB PB Time H/cap  Time Points
1   Simon Murphy 25:12 25:12 26:05 0:12 25:53 7
2   George Lendrum 29:35 30:40 32:16 5:40 26:36 6
3   Simon Winter 30:24 30:24 32:13 5:24 26:49 5
4   Pat Ellerbeck 26:26 26:30 28:43 1:30 27:13 4
5   Nick Green 30:06 30:06 32:21 5:06 27:15 3
6   Chris Dennis 33:17 33:17 38:03 8:17 29:46 2
7   Geoff Smith 27:37 29:31 34:49 4:31 30:18 1
    * H/C is plus as sub 25 mins          


Handicap Trophy Table - 2024

2024 SNCC TT H/C Table (