On Saturday 25th May SNCC hosted round 4 of the N&DCA race series - a 25 mile TT around the sporting F14/25 course, taking in the sights of Guilden Morden, Shingay, Wendy, Arrington & Wrestlingworth. Twice.

The event went off without a hitch. 35 of the 38 registered riders showed up and 35 riders finished the race without incident. The open event was won in a good time of 53:53 by Luke Clarke (TMG Horizon Cycling Team), the women's event by Diana Egerton-Warburton (Team Enable - M.I. Racing) with a 1:03:21. There were 8 riders in the road bike category with fastest times of 59:00 by Steven Brierley (VéloElite RC) and 1:12:41 by Zoe Shepherd (Team Enable - M.I. Racing).

Thanks to two friends of the SNCC TT scene for their help in organising the event, Simon Richardson & Ian Stokes, as well as the other volunteers who gave up their time to marshall, or otherwise support: Norman King, Mark Greenhow, Sam McDonald, Simon Murphy, Simon De Sousa, Dawn Donaldson, Mark Redwood, & Ron Lewis.

Note from the Chairman - it was great to volunteer for this event, Nic deserves  big thanks for his faultless organisation and calmness. Clearly the right man for the job.