TT#2 Race Results …  

View from a tail end charlie. On a cool, windy and balmy evening, 6 intrepid souls turned up for event number 2 of the season, it is understood there was a late injury to one rider. Fantastic to see Mandy back after a year out. Enthusiastic as ever. Flo was assisting this week with Nic pushing off (he also put the signs out and got them in).

New riders this week Stassi (prepping for an open next Weds) and Norman (winding down for Sat) plus 4 returnees. The rain held off (a little bit of drizzle) as we started. I (Norman King) started first and knew he would be lucky to get to the turn first. Sure enough George came past and was going well. Next to pass was Stassi and she looked like she was flying. I hadn't done too bad to the turn, despite the headwind. Next to pass was Nick, then Pat and finally the flying Simon. Simon appears entirely free of injury and we expect him to get faster in better conditions. As to the times. Stassi put in a great time on her lovely Cervelo which has had a paint job. Nick was pleased with his time and looking at the time Pat put in a good effort. I didn't get time to talk to George (he did Ride London last weekend) but it is great he's back racing again. Looking forward to the warmer weather and better barometric pressure (me neither).


TT#2 Race Results … 


Race Table Race PB  
# Rider Time  Lifetime Note
1 Simon Murphy 25:52 25:12  
2 Stassi Bowler 26:25 25:57  
3 Pat Ellerbeck 29:10 26:26  
4 Nick Green 31:29 30:06  
5 George Lendrum 32:36 29:35  
6 Norman King 36:53 33:10  



TT#2 Handicap Points

The Handicap Trophy points are awarded for the number of riders on the night less Guests and First Time Members. So tonight 6 riders and 6 points on offer. A Handicap Time of 25 minutes or less means that you have either matched your PB or improved on it. A Handicap Time greater than 25 minutes shows how much you are off your PB. This year the handicap PB is based on the best time in the last three seasons (LTS - 2021-2023) and not a riders life time best as in previous years.

Congratulations to Simon Murphy for taking the maximum points on offer tonight.


H/C Table PB PB Actual  25:00 H/Cap H/Cap
# <25 Rider Year 3Yr/LTS Time H/cap  Time Points
1   Simon Murphy 2021 25:12 25:52 0:12 25:40 6
2   Stassi Bowler 2022 25:27 26:25 0:27 25:58 5
3   Nick Green 2022 30:06 31:29 5:06 26:23 4
4   George Lendrum 2021 30:40 32:36 5:40 26:56 3
5   Pat Ellerbeck 2021 26:30 29:10 1:30 27:40 2
6   Norman King 2021 33:10 36:53 8:10 28:43 1
    * H/C is plus as sub 25 mins          



Handicap Trophy Table - 2024

2024 SNCC TT H/C Table (