TT#3 Race Results …  

Abbo Race No 3 was the best day weatherwise so far, shorts and skinsuits the order of the day. No hiding in cars or putting on jackets. Six intrepid riders out, the ever present Simon Murphy, Nick Green and George Lendrum (so we know who's after the H/C trophy) and Chris Dennis back for his second ride plus Nic Pillinger and the winner of the 2022 Abbo H/C Simon Brick.

It would be great to get back to a dozen riders again and we keep hearing rumours of others attending. We even had a recce from Gary Stevens who was watching with interest. So the results, Nick Green did a PB by 1 second and is so close to breaking the iconic 30 minute mark and took the 6 points. Simon Murphy rode quicker again and was 2nd on H/C. Nic put in a blistering time for 3rd. We then had George, Chris then Simon Brick. Thanks to Flo for timekeeping and Nic for putting the signs out and to Norman for pushing off, asst TK and getting the signs in. See you next Thurs as the season hots up literally and metaphorically.`` 


TT#3 Race Results … 


Race Table Race PB  
# Rider Time  Lifetime Note
1 Nic Pillinger 25:05 23:52  
2 Simon Murphy 25:51 25:12  
3 Nick Green 30:03 30:03 PB
4 George Lendrum 32:50 29:35  
5 Simon Brick 34:35 30:52  
6 Chris Dennis 35:56 33:17  



TT#3 Handicap Points

The Handicap Trophy points are awarded for the number of riders on the night less Guests and First Time Members. So tonight 6 riders and 6 points on offer. A Handicap Time of 25 minutes or less means that you have either matched your PB or improved on it. A Handicap Time greater than 25 minutes shows how much you are off your PB. This year the handicap PB is based on the best time in the last three seasons (LTS - 2021-2023) and not a riders life time best as in previous years.

Congratulations to Nick Green for taking the maximum points on offer tonight.


H/C Table PB PB Actual  25:00 H/Cap H/Cap
# <25 Rider Year 3Yr/LTS Time H/cap  Time Points
1   Nick Green 2022 30:06 30:03 5:06 24:57 6
2   Simon Murphy 2021 25:12 25:51 0:12 25:39 5
3 * Nic Pillinger 2022 23:52 25:05 1:08 26:13 4
4   George Lendrum 2021 30:40 32:50 5:40 27:10 3
5   Chris Dennis 2023 33:17 35:56 8:17 27:39 2
6   Simon Brick 2021 30:52 34:35 5:52 28:43 1
    * H/C is plus as sub 25 mins          



Handicap Trophy Table - 2024

2024 SNCC TT H/C Table (